Rhinoplasty - Post Operative Affect and After Care
The procedure itself take 3 to 4 hours and after the surgery patient can go home on next day and come for next visit on 10th day to remove nasal splint. Patient will have some bruising and swelling on and around nose on first 7 – 10 days. Patient should refrain smoking, avoid alcohol, heavy weight lifting and also sports should avoid next 1 month.
Here are 6 Things that will Happen to the Nose After the Surgery
1. Need to Wear a Splint on Nose: After rhinoplasty to ensure operated nose maintains its new shape, you have to cover it with a splint for at least a week.
2. Some Uncomfortable may be Feel During your Recovery: After rhinoplasty surgery you have to start pain medication and its rarely painful during in recovery, However, expect you have some nose congestion for the first 2 to 3 weeks.
3. Not to Wear Glasses or Sunglasses for at Least 6 Weeks: Because eyewear applies pressure on the bridge of your nose and it can interfere with the nasal healing process. Patient can wear contact lenses during the recovery time.
4. Need to Take at least 10 days off from Work: Rhinoplasty causes some bruising around the eyes but these bruises are unlikely to be painful and sometimes, they can look very alarming. In most patients their bruises heal in a week.
5. May be have Some Swelling on Nose: after surgery the swelling and recovery time depend largely on how much work was done to refine of nose. For the first 3 weeks after surgery, the swelling will be significant and after 6 months, most of the swelling will have tapered off. Finally, after 12 to 18 months will need to evaluate the final results of the surgery.
6. Sometimes Voice could change Temporarily: Sometimes after rhinoplasty surgery the voice changes slightly due to nose packing and splint but this side effect is not particularly concerning as it is temporary